VAR 15


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VAR 15

Var 15® is one of the most versatile, effective and user friendly formulas we have ever produced and is popular among both men and women. This product is well tolerated by all and packs a punch when the goal is lean mass while elevating fat burning. This anabolic supplement is often combined with other high quality performance-enhancing orals we sell. Often gains using advanced performance enhancers give the user bloat and water retention. These gains are then lost when the athlete stops usage. But this doesn’t occur with Var 15® as this unique formula promotes the correct anabolic atmosphere for muscle growth accumulation and power. This is our most popular product with female athletes. Women Var 15® users have reported assistance in the reduction of body fat, hardening of muscles, definition and muscle cell volumization. A sexy physique can be obtained with a regular diet program, cardio protocol and the use of Var 15®.